Sunday, July 24, 2011

Captain America Vlog

This is taking place of the Green Lantern review. Once the dvd comes out i will review, until then enjoy the first Nerk video! (also forgive the pauses, I didn't edit it and wanted to get it up. My first vlog so hope you give me some leeway!)

(P.S. ugg I wish I had sat up more. Still getting used to set up. Will be better shot next time)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Up coming videos

Here is a list for up coming reviews

Green Lantern (2011 movie)
Doctor Who sonic screwdrivers (toy)
Kirby: King of Comics (book)
Secret Invasion (comic mini-series)

I didn't put dates because I'm still new to editing videos but all will be done by the end of the summer and the Green Lantern review is shot and in post production so that will be out in a few days so come back soon.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Need some opinions....

OK so I have my iconic outfit all picked out and looking awesome but what do you all think? I've gotten some feedback which has been positive but what do you think of the awesomeness? Let me know if you can think of anything to add or loose. On another note the first video is coming soon so keep checking back!